mother | Author | Business Owner | Podcaster
About Emily Moynes
Own up to your part and take full responsibility for your life, for this is crucial in your own self-development, self-discovery, and evolvement.

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It took her years to take charge of her life and finally break the cycle once and for all. After over a decade of playing the never-ending ‘break up and makeup’ game she finally walked away from her excessively privileged life and dove full force into a life of complete uncertainty. What followed shortly after was an incessant feeling of fear, anxiety, and self-doubt . However little did she know at the time that everything she gave up would never be as valuable as everything she would ultimately gain.
Rebuilding a Kick Ass Life after two failed marriages.
- Become aware of red flags in unhealthy relationships and learn why listening to your inner voice and intuition is so important.
- Recognize destructive cycles and patterns so you can break them or stop them from happening in the first place.
- Have a support system in order to conquer your fears, challenges, and adversities.
- Own up to your part and take full responsibility for your life, for this is crucial in your own self-development, self-discovery, and evolvement.
- Give up attachment to material possessions and self-sabotaging beliefs, for this will lead to feeling freer, lighter, and more at peace.

- Live authentically and be true to yourself, which is the only way to feel complete, free, and empowered.
- Change your thoughts to literally change your life.
- Realize the power of your thoughts, for everyaction you take starts with a thought.Do not allow anyone or anything to deter you from your goals.
- Know that you and you alone have the power to manifest your life.
Rising Up follows the author’s journey through self-discovery, self-improvement, and self-awareness. It is about inspiring, encouraging, and motivating people to live the best lives possible. It reflects on personal struggles, challenges, and hardships and offers sound advice for overcoming them. If you feel stuck, in one way or another, this is the guide for you! It will help you take charge of your life and break any destructive, counterproductive cycle that is holding you back, so you can ultimately move on to a more meaningful, fulfilling life.
Fear is the biggest of all obstacles, very difficult to conquer. It can paralyze you and prevent you from pursuing your goals and dreams, thereby limiting your true potential. What many people don’t realize is that conquering your fears is as simple as changing your mindset. Once you realize this, your entire life can and will change. Simply being aware of negative, self-sabotaging, fear-inducing thoughts and discarding them as soon as they enter your mind is the first step in overcoming your fears.
Rising Up offers tips, life lessons, and strategies to help you overcome daily challenges, TAKE CHARGE, BREAK THE CYCLE, AND REBUILD A KICK-ASS LIFE!
Through her experience Emily learned that while she was in that affluent marriage she had everything and she had nothing.
Blog coming soon!